Selecting a Hoist

The following FAQ lists represents some of the questions asked by our valued customers over the years. The information contained in this page is the property of HAPP Australia Pty Ltd and is not to be reproduced in any form without the written permission of HAPP Australia Pty Ltd.
Pdf versions of this list is provided to HAPP customers / potential customers on request or on the HAPP online information dashboard. If you would like to talk directly to HAPP about your questions please do not hesitate to call us on the numbers listed at WWW.HAPP.COM.AU or on the HAPP documents / advertisements you have.
Typical questions

How hard is it to install a HAPP hoist? Can I do it myself?

It is not hard to install a HAPP hoist. Scissor lifts and our HAPP 90 are the easiest to install requiring just one person to connect fittings etc. Two post lifts and four post lifts are best constructed with the help of a friend (or two).

We ship hoists with the columns already constructed, the main installation tasks are to position the columns in the correct location and connect the fittings between the columns. We have instruction manuals written in Australia that advise how to prepare your building and options for installation. Each hoist also comes with an instruction manual specific to the hoist. And finally you have access to the HAPP technical support if you have questions on any hoist. For those who wish to see a constructed hoist you can contact HAPP to visit our show room where you can see the installed hoist and components.

You can install the hoist yourself, for businesses and those who do not have the time can use a hoist installer. HAPP have registered installers in different locations that can help if required. Businesses should note that for Australian Standards and Workplace Health and safety the requirement is that your hoist is installed (and maintained) by a ‘competent’ person.

What is the difference between HAPP hoists and other hoists?

Quality and Customer service are the key differences. HAPP customers are valued and treated with respect, they are fully supported in warranty, parts and answers to questions. We value your business and sell a lot through word of mouth recommendations. In terms of quality we are known as high quality at reasonable prices. We work hard to keep the prices down and the quality high. The quality of our products is comparable to products much higher in price that ours. Compared to other hoists HAPP hoists are typically identified by the following Quality factors:
  • Designs are shared between Australia and China, Australian design engineers work directly with Chinese partners to build hoists specifically for HAPP’s Australia and New Zealand customers.
  • Inspected by Australian highly qualified registered engineers
  • Using thicker steel in columns, base plates and arms
  • Higher quality material in structural and safety mechanisms
  • Tested physically to lift much higher than the 4T stated capacity by EU testing specialists
  • Structural stress tested in Australian engineering test beds
  • Have key materials tested in NATA registered laboratories
  • Manufactured in ISO 9001 accredited facilities

Are HAPP hoists designed to Australian Standards?

The HAPP 25, 40,70 models are designed and approved to Australian Standards, hoists imported from August 2013 shipment onwards are certified to Australian Standards. The design points used for these hoists are incorporated into all HAPP hoists. If you want workplace health and safety registration, this is available on the 25, 40 and 70 model hoists out of August 2013 shipment onwards and is provided by supplying the serial number to HAPP, the serial number is checked against the design and appropriate stickers, documents and log books for operation and maintenance of the hoist are provided. This is full design certification by registered independant engineering companies which will meet any investigation into your workplace. Beware of companies that have not paid this attention to detail.

The Australian Standards HAPP hoists are being designed to are:

  • AS/NZS 1170.1 2002 Structural design actions – Permanent and other actions
  • AS/NZS 1418.2 2002 Cranes, Hoists & Winches – General requirements
  • AS/NZS 1418.9 1996 Cranes – Vehicle Hoists
  • AS/NZS 2550.9 1996 Cranes – Safe use of vehicle hoists
  • AS 3990 1993 Mechanical equipment – Steelworks
  • AS 4100 1998 Steel structures

HAPP hoists are also designed and tested to the following international standards.

  • EN 6024-1 2006
  • EN 60204 -A1 2009
  • EN 1493:2010

The manufacturing process is conducted under the international standard ISO 9001:2000

How do the HAPP Safety mechanisms work? Can I do it myself?

The HAPP Safety Mechanisms are a ‘Ratchet’ design, every column has its own individual ratchet that ‘clicks’ and ‘locks’ each 50mm (approx) as the hoist lifts. This allows you to work under the vehicle with safety locks engaged at almost any height. To release the locks HAPP hoists allow you to release all locks from one place in one action on the single point safety release models. The dual point safety release models have small release cables on the columns to release the safety.

Can I alter the size of a HAPP hoist?

Yes, designs can be modified and re-certified to meet your needs. This can range from small changes to match your building or significant reconfigurations. For example in Motor racing, trailers can be fitted with reconfigured HAPP hoists to match your requirements and be certified by our engineers to safety standards.

What is the lifting capacity of HAPP hoists?

Most HAPP hoists are designed as 4T hoists, which means they have been tested with much heavier loads in structural and physical tests, hoists that claim this capacity may not have not been tested with heavier loads or even the specified capacity. The design principles used for Australian standards testing are incorporated into all HAPP hoists.

Can I lift very low cars, below the pad height?

Yes. Typically custom low cars only require a raise of 10-20mm to fit on a hoist. For these low cars the hoists HAPP provide special low profile ramps that allow low clearance cars to be lifted. Customers have also used wooden planks to achieve the same result. Note: HAPP research has shown that arms that fit under low clearance cars are typically not strong enough, we will not supply this style of arm.

What size anchor bolts do I need?

Tru bolts are supplied with the hoists and extra tru bolts are available. We dont recommend sleeve anchor bolts as our qld engineers recommended not use them.

Can I get extra anchor bolts?

Yes, we have extra tru bolts of varying lengths and thicknesses.

Can I use chem set fasteners?

Yes, chem set fasteners can be used. Whilst our tru bolts are more than adequate. We do like chemical anchors however they do require experienced fitters. Australian standards also indicates that chemical fasteners are not approved in some locations, the standard does not specify the location so check with your local authorities.

Do you install hoists?

We have registered installers in various locations across Australia. We also provide telephone level technical support for those installing their own hoist.

What is the safety mechanism on the HAPP hoist?

Each column has its individual safety mechanism, the mechanism is a ratchet style that engages every 50-130mm depending on model.
On two post hoists there are two safety mechanisms, on four post hoists there are four safety mechanisms. (scissor hoists only need one safety ratchet which is visibly locked into position.)

Do you provide asymmetric arms for HAPP hoists?

Yes, HAPP hoists have arms that are a shorter on the front side of the hoist to allow the car to be balanced correctly on the columns. Cars typically lift with the column in the middle of front seat position on car. You can get arms of different specs by contacting HAPP.

What is the advantage of single point safety release?

Dual point release models have cables to release the safety on each carriage, single point safety release models allow the release of all safety latches from one position on the main column.

I suspect my cement is not thick enough, what can I do?

HAPP provide a number of options for customers:

    • Big base plates approx 800mm x 800mm x 16mm provide a large base
    • Stabilizer bars provide extra support
    • Use chemical anchor bolts to provide adhesion rather than mechanical support
    • Brace arms for front to back support
    • Brace arms for front to back and side to side support

My floor is uneven can I do anything?

Yes you can, contact HAPP technical department and discuss your challenges as the solution will depend on your environment.

Can you supply 3 phase motors? When would you recommend 3 phase?

Yes 3 phase motors are available, there is no change in operation with 3 phase and power usage difference is minimal. Use 3 phase if your electrical wiring is better suited to 3 phase.